Covid-19 pandemic crisis has exposed several fissures in our society – Kris Gopalakrishnan


Biznextindia : The Coronavirus pandemic has not only exposed the sorry state of our healthcare system, it has also exposed several ugly realities of our system, several fissures in our society.

Kris Gopalakrishnan, one of the co-founders of technology giant Infosys and chairman Axilor technologies has a realistic take on how the pandemic has exposed our society in several forms. In a series of twits, he has written that the pandemic has exposed the disparity between the formal and informal employment, white and blue-collar workers, the digitally connected and unconnected and most importantly the Urban India and Rural India.


The pandemic crisis has exposed the disparity between formal and informal employment and continuity of wages; most migrant workers are in the informal sector. The disparity between white collar and blue-collar workers when it comes to Work From Home (WFH); knowledge-based service worker vs. factory worker. The Disparity between young and old – old are more at risk; with co-morbidities are more at risk” he said.

“The pandemic has also exposed the disparity between Digitally connected and unconnected – WFH, Online education, access to tele-services, the Urban and rural – started as an urban crisis and now slowly spreading to rural; poor healthcare infrastructure in rural. The globally connected cities/metros first/most to be affected and are the starting points for infection into the country” he said.

“It has exposed businesses with cash reserves and longer runway vs. businesses with very little cash and/or already indebted. Businesses that can repurpose their solutions for Covid-19 pandemic or that can pivot to generate short term revenues vs. those business whose revenues have plunged. Students passing out this year and have to seek jobs vs. students who can continue in education and postpone seeking jobs” he added.


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