Salasar Techno Engineering Secures EPC Contract of USD 9.40 Mn from Energy Development Corporation


Biznextindia : STEL a leading player in the field of engineering and infrastructure soluHons, has been awarded a presHgious contract worth USD 9.40 Mn equivalent to Rs. 752.38 Mn by Energy Development CorporaHon Ltd. for the Rwanda Transmission System Reinforcement and Last Mile ConnecHvity project. This order is in line with the managements vision to provide excepHonal and cuTng edge EPC soluHons across internaHonal markets.  Supported by its capability to cater large-scale orders, The Company is entrusted with the responsibility of providing end-to-end EPC soluHon of designing, supplying, and installaHon of 110kv transmission lines connecHng the African regions of Rwinkwavu-Kirehe, GabiroNyagatare, and Rulindo-Gicumbi.  The above contract further strengthens our order book and is expected to get completed within 18 months.

“We are delighted to announce a significant achievement that underscores our commitment to excellence and our capabilities in delivering cuting-edge infrastructure solu.ons. STEL has secured a monumental EPC contract valued at USD 9.40 million (Rs. 752.38 Mn) for designing, supply, and installa.on of a 110kV transmission line in the African region of Rwinkwavu-Kirehe, Gabiro-Nyagatare, and Rulindo-Gicumb. This order has enabled us to expand our presence in exports market serving as a testament to the trust placed by the foreign clients on STEL’s capability to execute the orders promptly while upholding the best in class industry standards. Africa, with its vast and growing energy demands, remains a region of promising market with enormous growth and our achievement in securing this contract underscores our established reputation for technical excellence, dependability, and strong international competitiveness” the company spokesperson said.

“Moreover, the 110kV transmission line project is a highly specialized endeavour that demands a deep understanding of power transmission, engineering, and project management. STEL’s technical prowess and proficiency in handling complex projects were instrumental in securing this contract. Lastly, we remain focused on our core mission of delivering exceptional engineering and constructional solu.ons to our customers while driving sustainable growth to our stakeholders. We will con.nue to invest in our network and technology, while also exploring new for growth and innovation. We would like to conclude by thanking our whole team who have stood tall with us in every situation”


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